God Makes Jesus Alive Again
Matthew 28:1-10
Jesus was killed the day before a holiday. First thing the day after the holiday, at sunrise two women, both called Mary, went to visit Jesus' grave.
Suddenly, there was a very big earthquake, because a special messenger from God appeared. He went to Jesus' grave. He was shining as bright as lightning. His clothes were as white as snow. The soldiers guarding Jesus' grave were so scared they fainted. God's messenger said to the two women called Mary,
'Don't be scared. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was killed. He is not here in his grave, because God has made Jesus alive again. Just like Jesus told you he would. Come and see where he was lying. Then go quickly and tell Jesus' friends that God has made him alive again. He is going to meet you in Galilee. You will see him there.'
The women left the grave quickly. They were scared and happy at the same time! They ran to tell evrything to Jesus' friends. Suddenly Jesus was in front of them! 'Hello,' he said. The women recognised him and knew that he is God. They fell down and grabbed his feet. Jesus said, 'Don't be scared. Go and tell my friends to go to Galilee. I will meet them there.'
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I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you
will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ
Philemon 6
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