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Love God as your Favorite
Matthew 6:19-24, 19:16-22

oMatthew 6:19-24

Jesus said:

Matthew 19:16-22

One day a rich young man came to talk with Jesus.

RYM: What good thing can I do that will make God want me as his friend forever?

Jesus: Why are you asking me? Only God knows what is good. If you want to be his friend, just do what he says.

RYM: What does God tell me to do?

Jesus: Don't kill anyone. Don't make another man's wife love you more than her husband. Don't steal from people or lie about them. Respect your father and mother. Love everyone as much as you love yourself.

RYM: If that is all, I am already doing everything God tells me to do. Why do I still feel guilty?

Jesus: If you want to be perfect, do these things. First, sell all the precious things you have collected and then give all your money to the poor- God will still be with you. Then, when you have done this, come and follow me.

Instead, the rich young man went away from Jesus. He was sad, because he loved all the precious things he had collected. He loved them and his money more than he loved God.

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I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ
Philemon 6

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