Welcome to the first ever Scripture Union Family Mission to Wagga. There are about sixty thousand people in Wagga, most of whom don't know the goodness of their creator (Jonah 4:11). Let's pray that our kind heavenly Father will have mercy on many. Let's pray that he will work in us to make the glory of his goodness known.
We want people to see that they don't recognise God as God nor do they delight in him (Rom 1:21.) We want them to see the rightness of his anger at this (Rom 1:18.) We want them to see that our failure to live well follows from our failure to delight in him (Psalm 37:4.)
There are many in Wagga who do trust God, as they know him from his Word. We hope to get to know them and work with them to reach their friends with the Good News about Jesus.
We want to work together with our sisters and brothers in Wagga as God's ambassadors, appealing to people that they 'change sides,' accepting God's offer of forgiveness (2 Cor 5:20.) We want people to understand how Jesus alone makes this offer possible.
'God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.'
2 Corinthians 5:21
The plan is to pray.
This year it is also to study together what Mark tells us in answering the question 'Who is Jesus?' We will do this in many ways: as a team alone, just us with local Christians and also in large groups with not-yet-Christian guests.
Let's pray that we might so overflow with the joy of knowing God that we will encourage those who God softens by his Spirit to join him and us forever!
Our Joy is God's Glory
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©Copyright 1997 by Danielle Treweek