John Piper on Hebrews
1 |
1:1-4 |
In these last days, God has spoken by a Son. |
31 March 1996 |
2 |
1:1-4 |
He made purification for sins. |
4 April 1996 |
3 |
1:1-4 |
He sat down at the right hand of majesty. |
7 April 1996 |
4 |
1 |
Jesus Christ- infinitely greater than angels. |
14 April 1996 |
5 |
2:1-4 |
The danger of drifting from the word. |
28 April 196 |
6 |
2:1-4 |
Spoken, confirmed, witnessed- a great salvation. |
5 May 1996 |
7 |
2:1-9 |
Who will rule the world to come? |
19 May 1996 |
8 |
2:9 |
For whom did Jesus taste death? |
26 May 1996 |
9 |
2:9-13 |
Our captain made perfect through suffering. |
2 June 1996 |
10 |
2:14-18 |
Jesus is able to help those who are tempted. |
23 June 1996 |
11 |
3:1-6 |
Jesus: worthy of more glory than Moses. |
4 August 1996 |
12 |
3:7-19 |
Do not harden your heart in the day of trial. |
11 August 1996 |
13 |
3:12-19 |
Eternal security is a community project. |
18 August 1996 |
14 |
4:1-11 |
Be diligent to enter God's rest. |
1 September 1996 |
15 |
4:12,13 |
The word of God: living, active, sharp. |
8 September 1996 |
16 |
4:14-5:3 |
Draw near to the throne of grace with confidence. |
15 September 1996 |
17 |
5:4-10 |
He is the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. |
22 September 1996 |
18 |
5:11-14 |
By this time you ought to be teachers. |
29 September 1996 |
19 |
6:1-3 |
Let us press on to maturity. |
6 October 1996 |
20 |
6:4-8 |
When is saving repentance impossible? |
13 October 1996 |
21 |
6:9-12 |
The full assurance of hope to the end. |
20 October 1996 |
22 |
6:13-18 |
When does God swear? |
10 November 1996 |
23 |
6:19-20 |
Having your soul anchored in heaven. |
17 November 1996 |
24 |
7:1-25 |
Jesus: from Melchizedek to eternal saviour. |
1 December 1996 |
25 |
7:26-8:5 |
Our high priest is the Son of God perfect forever. |
8 December 1996 |
26 |
8:6-13 |
Jesus: mediator of a better covenant- part one. |
15 December 1996 |
27 |
8:6-13 |
Jesus: mediator of a better covenant- part two. |
22 December 1996 |
28 |
Hebrews 9:1-14 |
Purified to serve the living God. |
12 January 1997 |
29 |
Hebrews 9:15-22 |
How the called receive an eternal inheritance. |
26 January 1997 |
30 |
Hebrews 9:23-26 |
What Christ did at the end of the age. |
2 February 1997 |
31 |
Hebrews 9:27,28 |
What Christ will do at the second coming. |
9 February 1997 |
32 |
Hebrews 10:1-18 |
Perfected for all time by a single offering. |
16 February 1997 |
33 |
Hebrews 10:19-22 |
Let us draw near to God. |
23 March 1997 |
34 |
Hebrews 10:23-25 |
Consider each other how to stir up love. |
6 April 1997 |
35 |
10:26-31 |
Woe to those who trample the Son of God. |
13 April 1997 |
36 |
10:32-39 |
The present power of a future possession. |
27 April 1997 |
37 |
Hebrews 11:1-3 |
What faith knows and hopes for. |
1 June 1997 |
38 |
Hebrews 11:4-6 |
Without faith it is impossible to please God. |
8 June 1997 |
39 |
Hebrews 11:7-12 |
The faith of Noah, Abraham and Sarah. |
22 June 1997 |
40 |
Hebrews 11:23-28 |
Liberated for love by looking to the reward. |
3 August 1997 |
41 |
Hebrews 11:29-38 |
Faith to be strong and faith to be weak. |
10 August 1997 |
42 |
Hebrews 11:39-12:2 |
Running with the witnesses. |
17 August 1997 |
43 |
Hebrews 12:3-11 |
The painful discipline of our heavenly Father. |
24 August 1997 |
44 |
Hebrews 12:12-17 |
Fail not to obtain the grace of God. |
31 August 1997 |
45 |
Hebrews 12:18-29 |
You have come to Mount Zion. |
7 September 1997 |
46 |
Hebrews 13:1-6 |
Small group life in the power of God's promise. |
14 September 1997 |
47 |
Hebrews 13:7-16 |
Be strengthened by grace. |
21 September 1997 |
48 |
Hebrews 13:12-16 |
Let us go with Jesus, bearing reproach. |
28 September 1997 |
49 |
Hebrews 13:17-19 |
Obey your joyful leaders- part one. |
5 October 1997 |
50 |
13:17 |
Obey your joyful leaders- part two. |
12 October 1997 |
51 |
13:20-25 |
It's all the work of God. |
19 October 1997 |